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Support for Black Lives Matter

Supporting Black, People of Color, Indigenous, + Immigrant Neighbors with Neighborliness + Structural Reform

· ministry,heritage,integration,advocacy,neighborly
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If our ideology surpasses our neighborliness, then our politics has exceeded our faith, hope, and love for continuing. ~ Dr. Dena Michele Rosko, Principal

Dogwood Group is working at the local level to advocate for structural reform and neighborliness to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Please stay tuned for updates, announcements, and invitations on upcoming engagements and publications.

"The Church will not be Silent" March to Surrender, Juneteenth 2020, Renton, Wash.

In the meantime, please consider the following ways to help: Donate to a charity that supports initiatives that support health and safety of Black lives, volunteer your time and skills to support the groups working hard at the local level for change, revisit procurement and contracting to include BIPOC and women-owned businesses, support maternal health, childcare, and eldercare initiatives, read books by authors already doing the work, start and maintain relationships with Blacks, Indiginous/Immigrant, People of Color (BIPOC), learn about other ways to build a just and healthy economy, consider joining a multi-ethnic church, partnering with them, or transforming into one or march with one, write and publish a book, join other creatives and advocates for performance arts and change, occupy neighborhoods and public places with community- and health- oriented activities, write your representatives, call in to city council meetings, learn about "second wound" traumas of microaggressions or silencing tactics, speak up and say no to racism, validate the stories of suffering even if it feels tense, and respect public health guidelines to wear a mask.

Heritage for Future Generations #BlackLivesMatter #BIPOC
Support Black and Woman Owned Businesses, 2020, Etsy

If all else, just try. Say hi, wave hi, notice, and include our BIPOC as neighbors and friends. Check in on these family, friends, and neighbors to see if they're ok or need support.

'This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you,' Jesus (John 15:12)

We all benefit from neighborliness and a healthy society, especially our children. Please join us to support real change because all lives won't matter until BIPOC lives do, too.

Change can seem slow, but this snail was fast

Our families and the future of this nation depend on our action today.

Thank you for reading.



Dr. Dena Michele Rosko, Principal